
1) приверженность

1. We share a commitment to human rights. — И вы, и мы верим в права человека.

2. I have made a commitment to this program. — Я решил поддержать эту программу.

2) обязанность, обязательство, решение, выбор, намерение, ориентация, политика, линия, курс

1. China has come to appreciate that WTO entry is not a one-time deal, but rather a long-term commitment to a pervasive system of rules and transparency (World Link) — ...членство в ВТО — не единовременная сделка, а выбор системы, предполагающий строгое соблюдение правил игры и информационную открытость.

2. ...political commitment to private ownership as the engine of economic growth (Time). — ...политический выбор в пользу...

3) ответственность, заинтересованность, готовность пойти навстречу, неравнодушное отношение

1. Commitment replaces Beattie's moral passivity and deadpan style (New York Times).

2. De Gaulle presupposed an American commitment to the rump of liberal Europe (D.Mahoney). — Де Голль исходил из заинтересованности США в сохранении того, что оставалось от либеральной Европы.

4) участие, активность, активное участие, решительные действия

1. Mr. Allegre has alarmed Washington by suggesting he might abandon, or reduce France's commitment to the grandiose scheme to build a permanent international orbiting space station.

2. America was reaching a point where global commitment was turning into overextension (Henry Kissinger). — Америка приближалась к рубежу, когда глобальная активность (активное участие в мировых делах) оборачивалась переоценкой собственных возможностей.

3. [Kennedy's] choices [became] more stark, and the consequences of either commitment or withdrawal more painful and costly(Henry Kissinger). — ...последствия либо решительных действий, либо вывода войск…

4. [Vietnam] is this important, it may be worth a larger commitment on our part (David Halberstam). — Если Вьетнам так важен, то, может быть, нам следует действовать более решительно.

The English annotation is below. (English-Russian). 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "commitment" в других словарях:

  • commitment — n 1: an act of committing: as a: placement in or assignment to a prison or mental hospital petition for commitment compare incompetent, interdiction ◇ Commitment to a mental health facility is called …   Law dictionary

  • Commitment — may refer to: Promise, or personal commitment Contract, a legally binding exchange of promises Brand commitment Involuntary commitment, the use of legal means or forms to commit a person to a mental hospital, insane asylum or psychiatric ward… …   Wikipedia

  • Commitment — Com*mit ment, n. 1. The act of committing, or putting in charge, keeping, or trust; consignment; esp., the act of committing to prison. [1913 Webster] They were glad to compound for his bare commitment to the Tower, whence he was within few days… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • commitment — 1610s, from COMMIT (Cf. commit) + MENT (Cf. ment). (Anglo French had commettement.) Meaning the committing of oneself, pledge, promise is attested from 1793; hence, an obligation (1864) …   Etymology dictionary

  • commitment — [n] assurance; obligation charge, committal, devoir, duty, engagement, guarantee, liability, must, need, ought, pledge, promise, responsibility, undertaking, vow, word; concepts 71,271,274 Ant. broken promise, denial, refusal …   New thesaurus

  • commitment — ► NOUN 1) dedication to a cause or policy. 2) a pledge or undertaking. 3) an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action …   English terms dictionary

  • commitment — [kə mit′mənt] n. 1. a committing or being committed 2. official consignment by court order of a person as to prison or a mental hospital 3. a pledge or promise to do something 4. dedication to a long term course of action; engagement; involvement …   English World dictionary

  • Commitment — A trader is said to have a commitment when he assumes the obligation to accept or make delivery on a futures contract. Related: Open interest * * * commitment com‧mit‧ment [kəˈmɪtmənt] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] a promise to do something or …   Financial and business terms

  • commitment — n. promise 1) to make a commitment 2) to meet a commitment 3) a firm commitment 4) a commitment to + inf. (he made a commitment to pay off his debts) 5) a commitment that + clause (they reaffirmed their commitment that they would help) devotion… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • commitment — Describes a trader s obligation to accept or make delivery on a futures contract. Related: open interest. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary When a trader or institution assumes the obligation to accept or make delivery on a futures contract. Chicago …   Financial and business terms

  • Commitment — Organisationales Commitment (dt. Einstandspflicht, Bekenntnis, Hingabe) bezeichnet das Ausmaß der Identifikation einer Person mit einer Organisation. Die Identifikation, beispielsweise eines Arbeitnehmers mit seinem Unternehmen, kann in dreierlei …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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